Please Be Kind…It’s Time to Forgive

By Marlyn Kissner, Executive Director, CCEDC
Now more than ever, we need to be kind to one another, help our friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, guests and strangers. This is a “forgiving time” as things do not look the same, many of us never experiencing a pandemic, give folks a break. Have gratitude… take time to think about all that you have in your life, taking your focus off of negativity, bitterness, what you do not have:
- Be open to others’ opinions that may differ from your own
- Be grateful for the people in your life who are always there for you and lift you up
- Be thankful for the roof over your head and the food on your table
- Be grateful for our local farmers, don’t be cranky when you are stuck behind at tractor, instead, think of the wonderful produce they are delivering to your table
- Reflect on hugs, handshakes and smiles – many of us miss so much, be grateful and dream about this coming back into our lives once again
- Be grateful for our amazing local business owners, restaurants and organizations who are working hard to stay afloat
- Be grateful for strangers, visitors, local folks – we are all people, enjoying the beauty of our County – be kind, please
- Thank those who are supporting our communities … donating food, products… time, treasure and talent to help our communities thrive and survive
- Give thanks to our hospitals, front line workers and first responders
- Be Carbon County BOLD!
Make it a great day … we only have this one life to live our BEST life, and to serve others in a time of need :-).
If you need a friend, give me a call … 610-751-4932 … give us a call 610-379-5000, the CCEDC Staff is here for you!